Located in the Banana district which is recognised as some of the premier beef producing and cropping country in Central Queensland this property was drawn in a land ballot by the owners in 1957. With retirement pending and the owners decision to concentrate on continued development and manufacture of their tillage and farming equipment, the residences, workshop and sheds along with 80 hectares has been subdivided off and is being retained. The owners have a production history of various cotton fibre, grain, hay and grass seed production available.
If a buyer is not interested in the irrigation the owners will retain the centre pivot and associated.
Real Property Description
Lot 24 on Survey Plan 189741, freehold area of 659.5777 hectares (1,630* acres), Local Government is Banana Shire.
The property is located in a direct line 11* kilometres north of Banana, by road the property is 24* kilometres north of Banana (18km* of bitumen and 6km*of gravel via the Banana / Baralaba road), 52* kilometres west of Biloela via the Belldeen Defence road. The city of Rockhampton is 135* kilometres with only 3* kilometres of gravel to the Leichhardt Highway.
Electricity and land line telephone available at the north eastern boundary. Mobile telephone coverage and twice weekly mail service. Primary school at Banana with connecting bus to Moura high. Medical services at Moura, Baralaba and Biloela.
Australia's largest meat processors service the local region with three abattoirs. Teys Australia has a processing plant at Biloela and Lakes Creek in Rockhampton and JBS Australia have a processing plant at Nerimbera in Rockhampton. Saleyards are located at Biloela, Moura, Monto and Gracemere. Grain depots are at Biloela and Moura. A modern cotton gin is located at Moura.
Gently undulating brigalow / softwood scrub that has been cleared, developed and contoured. Police Camp Creek forms the eastern boundary.
Red and black scrub loams and grey clay.
550* hectares of cultivation comprising 100* hectare of centre pivot irrigation and 450* hectares of dryland cultivation.
2,000* megalitre storage dam used for irrigation which historically collects 400* megalitres annually from farm run off and creek diversion and flood harvesting licence from Police Camp Creek.
Irrigation infrastructure includes a lift pump from the dam that is fully operational and comprises Batescrew pump with 6 cylinder John Deere diesel motor located on an elevated platform via a 250mm polypropylene pipe to the centre pivot.
The 100 hectare centre pivot is a 11 span Reinke electric drive with a 13*KVA genset. The owners have the design drawings for a further 2 x 100 hectare centre pivots.
Ray White Rural Rockhampton
Richard Brosnan 0400 361 114